of experience in serving Latino communities in Houston.
Our mission is to offer culturally affirming, high-quality, and caring service to promote healthy Latino communities in the Greater Houston Area.
A Michoacán-born immigrant, Elia Chinó has called Houston home for over 40 years. During that time she has forged a reputation as a determined health and wellness advocate who works tirelessly to educate people about preventable diseases, behavioral health and mental illness. After losing many close friends to HIV/AIDS, Elia Chinó decided to take action. The result of her desire to help end the devastation wrought by this disease in the Latino community was the founding of the Fundación Latinoamericana de Acción Social, Inc. (FLAS). Ms. Chinó is a former member of the City of Houston’s Community Planning Group (CPG) and the former chair of the City’s Latino HIV Task Force. Ms. Chino currently is the founder and executive director of FLAS, Inc.
Elia Chinó, founder of FLAS, Inc. sacrificed her life and reputation to help our Latino community
Started outreach activities in Night Clubs, Bars and Cantinas. Also, started the Collaboration with the Houston Health Department and with the HIV/AIDS Prevention Center at Texas Southern University
Organized the Festival Latino en la Calle 7 in Austin, Texas for HIV awareness
Ms. Chinó joined the Latino HIV Task Force with the Houston Health Department Bureau of HIV/STI and Viral Hepatitis C Prevention
FLAS received the 1st Grant from Harris County Development Department to implement the HIV/AIDS prevention among Hispanic youths ages 11-21 in Galena Park, Texas, Jacinto City, Texas and South Houston, Texas.
LAS received the 2nd Grant from Harris County Development Department to implement the HIV/AIDS prevention among Hispanic youths ages 11-21 in Galena Park, Texas, Jacinto City, Texas and South Houston, Texas.
FLAS received the 3er Grant from Harris County Development Department to implement the HIV/AIDS prevention among Hispanic youths ages 11-21 in Galena Park, Texas, Jacinto City, Texas South Houston, Texas and Katy, Texas.
FLAS received the 4th Grant from Harris County Development Department to implement the HIV/AIDS prevention among Hispanic youths ages 11-21 in Galena Park, Texas, Jacinto City, Texas South Houston, Texas and Katy, Texas.
FLAS received the 5th Grant from Harris County Development Department to implement the HIV/AIDS prevention among Hispanic youths ages 11-21 in Galena Park, Texas, Jacinto City, Texas South Houston, Texas and Katy, Texas. Also, received the 1st grant from the Houston Health Department Bureau of HIV/STI and Viral Hepatitis C Prevention to implement the project “Cover-Up” this project was a community level intervention to distribute condoms with the collaboration of Business owners.
FLAS received the 1st Federal Grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) to implement the project Hablemos en Confianza, a Substance Abuse, HIV and Hepatitis prevention program for Latino Immigrant Families and their Children funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.
Ms. Chinó was nominated Anonymous Hero by Don Francisco Univision “Sabado Gigante”.
FLAS and Elia Chinó were invited to present in the National Prevention Network (NPN) and represent SAMHSA/CSAP. Also, received the 2nd Grant to implement project Sueños, Esperanzas y Retos en los Latinos a Substance Abuse and HIV prevention program for low-acculturated Latino young adults (ages 18-24) funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention.
Interviews by Houston Endowment Inc. to be in the book of Houston Endowment. Also, Ms. Chinó was Nominated Hispanic Hero by Telemundo “Heroes Hispanos” plus FLAS celebrated the 1st GALA for the 15th Anniversary named “Quinceañeara” to celebrate 15 years of service to the Latino community
FLAS received the licensure as Substance Abuse Treatment Facility from the State. FLAS received the 3rd Grant to implement project Colores Latinos a Substance Abuse and HIV prevention program for Latino MSM (ages 18-30) funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
FLAS implemented community outreach activities, community level interventions and group level interventions for Latinos in Houston
FLAS received the 1st Grant to implement project SOL Latino, a Substance Abuse and HIV treatment program for Latino MSM (ages 18-49) funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2012-2017
FLAS received the 1st Grant to implement the Project Saber Para Vivir (Know to Live) to conduct HIV/STD’s Counseling, Testing and Referral program for Latino MSM and Latina Transgender funded by the City of Houston Health Department 2014-2017.
FLAS received the 1st grant from Houston Health Department Bureau of HIV/STI and Viral Hepatitis C Prevention to implement the project Know To Live (Saber Para Vivir), CTR-HIV & Syphilis counseling and testing as well PrEP education 2014-Present
FLAS received the 1st Grant to produce the project FLAS-Novelas, a Substance Abuse and HIV prevention program for Latino MSM and Latino women (ages 18-34) funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention and Mental Health Services Administration
FLAS founder and Executive Director Elia Chinó was Nominated in 2016 the top of Hispanic Leaders by Out-Smart Magazine for the LGBTQ. Also, in 2016 she was nominated and received the Premio Revolucion by the Federal Government of México. In 2016, she was nominated Angeles de Nuestra comunidad by the Jefferson Award Foundation in Recognition of Outstanding Public Service
FLAS received the 2nd Grant to implement the project PRIDE, a Substance Abuse treatment and Mental Health program for Latino MSM and purpose of which is to increase engagement in care for Latino Young Men Who Have Sex With Men (LMSM) (18-29), MSM individuals (30+) and Transgender women with substance use disorders (SUD) and/or co-occurring substance use and mental disorders (COD) who are at risk for HIV/Hepatitis or HIV positive that receive HIV services/treatment. funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2017-2021.
FLAS Founder and Executive Director Elia Chinó and the Federal Government of México/General Consulate of México in Houston signed the agreement “Memorandum of Understanding” for Window of Health (Ventanilla De Salud-VDS). The Founder and Executive Director Elia Chinó received the Award “Community Leader” in the international women day by the General Consulate of México in Houston. Also, she received the Award from the Festival Orgullo in recognition of years for her Hard Work, dedication and service to the LGBTQ community in Houston.
Ms. Elia Chinó received the appreciation award from the Centro Educativo Universitario Siglo XX1 con Estudios Incorporados a la Universidad Popular Autonoma de Veracruz. FLAS 25th Anniversary GALA to celebrate 20 years of service to the Latino community.
FLAS received the 6th grant to implement project Reach out (Alcanzar) the purpose of which is to implement comprehensive community-based substance misuse and HIV prevention strategies for 400 (over five years) unduplicated high-risk LGBTQ and heterosexual Latinx adolescents and adults ages 13 – 24 and their partners (target population/participants) is a Substance Abuse and HIV prevention program for Latino youth and young adults (ages 15-24) funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2020-2025.
FLAS received the 1st grant from CDC to implement the project Life (VIVE), CTR-HIV & Syphilis counseling and testing as well PrEP education with the following components: diagnose, treat, prevent, and respond and linkage for primary care services and PrEP. project VIVE is funded by the Center for Disease and Prevention (CDC), 2021-2026.
Ms. Elia Chinó Founder and Execuive Director received the “Premio OHTLI” by the Federal Government of México por su distiguida labor al Servicio de la comunidad Mexicana en la Ciudad de Houston, Texas. Also, She received the “Hispanic Hero Award” by Comcast for her contribution and exemplary dedication to help our community.
FLAS Founder and Executive Director Elia Chinó was nominated “Univisionarios” by Televisa/Univision for her social work, dedication and contribution to our community have been instrumental in helping lives and making a positive impact in our world.
Also, she received The Presidents Lifetime Achievement Award by Joseph R. Biden Jr. President of the United States for her lifelong commitment to building a stronger nation through volunteer Service.
FLAS Founder and Executive Director Elia Chinó received a proclamation on her Birthday by the Mayor Silvester Turner of the City of Houston and proclaim April 24, 2023, as ELIA CHINO DAY. “A birthday is a joyous time to reflect on our many achievements and embrace the future with great determination and continue optimist for a prosperous and fulfilling life.”
Also, Ms. Chinó received the award Mujer Legendaria Ford “Diversity & Inclusion 2023” by the Camara De Empresarios Latinos De Houston (Latino Chamber of Houston).
Finally, Ms. Elia Chinó was invited by the Biden-Harris Administration during the Hispanic Heritage month (October 10, 2023) to advance both racial and LGBTQI+ equity and provide an opportunity to engage with White House and other Administration staff.
Ms. Elia Chinó, Founder and Executive Director received the Doctor Honoris Causa degree by the Centro Educativo Universitario Siglo XX1 con Estudios Incorporados a la Universidad Popular Autonoma de Veracruz.
FLAS 30th Anniversary GALA called “Surviving Stigma” to celebrate 30 years of service to the Latino community.